General Union

General Union

IT-Tech Branch

Read our FAQ below to learn more here about the General Union, the IT-Tech Branch, and about unionising in Japan.


What is the General Union?

The General Union is a legally registered labour union, open to any and all workers.

Since its founding in 1991, our union has established a solid reputation for protecting members’ rights and improving working conditions. We are workers just like you who have joined together to protect our livelihoods and rights as workers. As a union, we are able to provide our members advice on workplace issues, and we actively help our members to organize and negotiate for better conditions in their workplaces.

The General Union is part of a national private-sector trade union known as the National Union of General Workers (Zenkoku Ippan Rodo Kumiai Zenkoku Kyogi-kai) and through this national union are members of the National Trade Union Council (Zenkoku Rodokumiai Renraku Kyogi-kai, better known as Zenrokyo). Membership in these organisations gives our union solid backing and know how when it’s needed.

Learn more on General Union's website.





What is the IT-Tech Branch of the General Union?




Why unionise?


Is it safe to be a union member?


Who can join?


How can I join?
